Does ACT work for minorities or the poor?

This question was answered by Steven Hayes, here: Some of the highlights include: The ACT literature is just now getting large enough to consider whether its impact is differential based on SES, ethnicity, gender, nationality, and the like. So far the news is good. …A six hour ACT workshop with…

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Where is the evidence for ACT?

The following page is regularly updated and contains links to papers and experiments on the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: State of the ACT Evidence

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How does ACT differ from traditional CBT interventions?

This question is answered in detail by Steven Hayes, here. Here is our very basic answer: Generally, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works to challenge distressing thoughts by looking for evidence and coming up with a more rational response. However, in ACT, the thought is accepted as a thought, e.g. “I’m having…

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What is Acceptance & Commitment Therapy?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) gets it name from one of its core messages: to accept what is out of your personal control, while committing to action that will improve your quality of life. The aim of ACT (which is pronounced as the word ‘act’, not as the initials A.C.T.)…

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