Brief Acceptance is a research and resource hub for all things related to Acceptance.
We are the online home for brief acceptance therapies, offering tips, techniques, research and resources for the most exciting and cutting-edge side of contemporary therapy.
It is a bold aim, but we intend to satisfy two ends of the evidence-based spectrum: Initially, we aim to point to scholarly research and experimentation, which seeks to demonstrate the benefits of acceptance-based therapies.
Additionally, we are seeking to highlight techniques and strategies which assist with applying the benefits of Acceptance to everyday life.
Why do you focus on Brief Acceptance Therapies?
This is an important question, which differentiates our site and approach from some others. We are specifically committed to brief acceptance therapies, or at least to therapies/techniques which can be employed or adapted in brief therapy.
We are using the term ‘brief’ in two different ways.
Firstly, it refers to our bias towards ‘brief therapy’ – understood as a commitment to resolving an issue in a strategic manner in as short a time as possible. In fact, many adherents of brief therapy would suggest that prolonging sessions over an extended period of time can be dis-empowering and counter-productive.
A popular example of brief therapy is Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, which focuses on a client’s resources and employs a future-orientation. This is in contrast to traditional therapies which might be more inclined to focus on the ‘problem’ being discussed and seeking to back-track to the root of the issue.
Secondly, we are using the term brief to invite consideration of temporary acceptance. Some people who are introduced to Brief Acceptance Therapies can initially struggle with the idea of accepting unpalatable situations. To be told that, in order to move forward, they merely need to accept reality as it is for now, can be accessible and empowering. It is often the first step towards freedom and happiness.
Which Therapies are Included?
We have done our best not to exclude any therapies, tools or techniques which may be useful. The primary inclusion criteria is simply a focus on acceptance as the key to moving beyond ‘problems’ and into life.
So, we include some recognised therapeutic models, such as:
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Dialetical Behaviour Therapy
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Yet, we also use the term to refer to self-help or complementary therapy strategies such as:
- The Work
- The Option Method
We are using the term ‘Brief Acceptance Therapies’ to refer to a mindset or an orientation, rather than to describe specific approaches.
So, What is not Included?
As suggested above, ‘Brief Acceptance Therapies’ is not necessarily about listing certain counselling models. However, there are some schools of thought that we have taken the decision not to focus on.
We do not discuss religions or models that have a predominantly ‘spiritual’ focus. Our aim is not to discover the meaning of life or dictate any absolute truths. So, any approaches that move beyond acceptance and focus on the purpose of life, spiritual bliss or ‘higher consciousness’ will be avoided.
In some cases, it has been difficult to know where to draw the line. After all, there is much in Buddhism and various schools of Hinduism that speaks of Acceptance. And, although we have included The Work and The Option Method, the developers of such systems have at times used their tools as stepping-stones to explore the ‘big questions’. That is where our discussion of them ends.
To avoid unnecessary controversy or distracting debates, our focus remains fixed on Acceptance. We believe it is possible to employ Acceptance for ourselves and others to find greater levels of contentment and happiness in life. And we would argue that this is possible regardless of any religious or spiritual commitments.