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The ACT Approach to Self-Acceptance
In Psychology Today, Dr. Barbara Markway shares Three surprising, simple ways to increase self-acceptance. According to Dr. Hayes, the key skill in self-acceptance involves being able to shift perspectives. We have to move our focus from a judgmental stance, to a more neutral, observing stance. Our brains evolved with the…
The Six Core Processes of ACT
ACT when we feel we can’t!

Here is a really simple and useful post: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy when we feel we can’t! By resisting and struggling against unwanted situations or feelings, we often create more inner suffering. Acceptance is not about “giving up”, but, since we can’t change the unpleasant experiences, we can learn to…
There will be more!
We will be adding book reviews, academic articles, practical tips and self-help techniques on a regular basis. We aim to satisfy both therapists/coaches and those who are interested in Acceptance from a personal development angle. But it may take us some time to get the right balance!