Three Blocks to Radical Acceptance

Radical Acceptance means completely and totally accepting something from the depths of your soul, with your heart and your mind. You stop fighting reality. When you stop fighting you suffer less. However, Radical acceptance is easier to understand than it is to practice.

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Acceptance is NOT Resignation!

This is excellent on Acceptance versus resignation: What does it mean when a friend, family member, or therapist tells you that you need to try to accept a situation you’re struggling with? Is this reasonable advice, or is it just annoying and impossible? Acceptance is a key concept and a…

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Unified Model of Behavior Change

Just came across a paper from Steven C. Hayes, Jacqueline Pistorello and Michael E. Levin on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Unified Model of Behavior Change. Here’s the abstract: The present article summarizes the assumptions, model, techniques, evidence, and diversity/social justice commitments of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT…

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Welcome to the world of Acceptance!

Welcome to Brief Acceptance! This is very early days for our site, so we are still adding content, rearranging the furniture and squashing bugs. Over time, we will be drawing together all of the most useful ideas, theories and techniques from the various Brief Acceptance Therapies that are out there….

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What do we mean by Acceptance?

We are going to be talking about Acceptance a fair amount round these parts, so we may as well define our terms. If you are suffering or in pain, the idea that you should practice acceptance can seem counter-intuitive. It would feel as if you were being told to resign…

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