The science of forgiveness

There’s an interesting post over at entitled, The science of forgiveness: When you don’t forgive you release all the chemicals of the stress response. Here’s a taster: [Enright] began by developing therapies aimed at helping elderly women to forgive those who had wronged them in the past, and to…

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What do we mean by Acceptance?

We are going to be talking about Acceptance a fair amount round these parts, so we may as well define our terms. If you are suffering or in pain, the idea that you should practice acceptance can seem counter-intuitive. It would feel as if you were being told to resign…

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Evaluating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Never let it be said that we are biased! Of course, ACT is not perfect. Neither is it without its detractors. This research article in The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy (2011, Vol. 7, No. 1, 55–67) evaluates a recent critique of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Written by…

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Is Mindfulness a Religion?

Interesting thoughts from the Huffington Post: Many people around the world — Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, and atheist — have begun to practice mindfulness simply as a way to live happier lives. (ABC news anchor Dan Harris suggests mindfulness can make you 10% Happier). In A Mindful Nation, Ohio Congressman Tim…

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The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris

The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris is the book that first introduced me to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. And I had something of a love/hate relationship with it. It’s interesting to me that if you look at the reviews over at amazon or Good Reads, my response seems to be…

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